Saturday, July 08, 2006

Kinky--Nappy--"Straight off the boat" it what you want, AND call it my hair!

For a longtime I was don't comfortable and especially not prepared to deal with my natural hair. I feel amazing blessed that I was able to grow up in the suburbs in beautiful homes, attending private schools, and being afforded all the little extras that my family was able to provide. I take NONE of that for granted...I hope one day I will be able to do the same for my family. However, there were several bad habits and traits that I picked up along the way. One being a sincere dislike for my hair. Shameful, I know!

However, when I'm surrounded by pretty little white girls that are jumping in and out of pools, running around field hockey and lacrosse fields and laying out on the beach in some of the worst humidity I've ever experienced, without thinking twice about the state of their starts to break you down.

So, it goes without saying that I went through my stint (only 3 years) of RELAXERS...which should change its name because all it did was end up making my hair break off and STRESS me out. I had a strong BRAID phase, which actually made my hair grow back healthier and longer, but it doesn't always give you the most professional, grown and sexy look. I also rocked the BUN for awhile...meaning I simply slicked back my hair and tried really hard to forget that it was there. Double shame! When school and most importanly track ended, I started really paying attention to pressing my hair. BUT that takes about 3 hours when you're doing it yourself or if you are me....having your father perform the duties on occassion. Yes, my father used to press my hair, and No he is not gay. He just grew up in the south and had three sisters.

Well everyone, as you can see from some of the pictures I have put up on this page I have now started to embrace the natural state of my hair that I tried so hard to mask. I have been RELAXER FREE for 12 YEARS, and I've become increasingly comfortable with it's super curly texture. Maybe of you have asked if I've cut it because it looks so short in the pictures, and the answer is NO. God has blessed black folk with the most amazingly versatile hair. I know think it's wonderful that I can press my hair one night and a few days later by simply adding water, my head turns into a cornucopia of curls! It sounds kind of like a Chia Pet....but don't be fooled, I now know my hair is FIERCE.

In conclusion, never take for granted all the wonderful gifts, talents, and traits you have!

Love and Light...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats wonderful. i still havent got to that confortability just yet. i am in the bun stage now so maybe relaxer free is next.